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Method for using torque wrench

Hits:Updated:2016-01-05 10:01:48【Print】

In the use of the torque wrench, first of all to choose moderate range according to the requirements of the measurement, the measured torsion value should not be less than a torque converter in use 20 percent range, the range should not be too large for small torsion reinforcement, small range of torque converter but can not use overrange;
Method for using torque wrench
1. In the use of the torque wrench, the first step is to select moderate range according to the requirements of the measurement, the measured torque value should not be less than torque converter in use 20 percent range, the range should not be too large for small torsion reinforcement, small range of torque converter but can not over range make;
. when using the torque wrench, first by force pawl connected accessories (such as a sleeve, all kinds of group of mouth), ensure that the connection is no problem. Before reinforcement torque, good reinforcement force setting value, and lock the locking device, and then adjust the direction change button to the loading direction;
3. Measuring, the hands should be to hold the handle of the effective range, along the vertical to the direction of the tube body slowly afterburner until you hear the reach set value after the issue of the sound. In the process of force application, according to the national standard of instrument operation specification, the vertical deviation should not exceed 10 degrees. The horizontal direction deviation should not exceed 3 degrees, I plant in the use process, the operating personnel shall ensure the around application range is not more than 15 degree.


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